Essential Website Design Practices- The White Space and Typography

Webpage Is Not a Newspaper

A website is not like a newspaper. It is not written in any textbook that you have to paint or fill every pixel of the webpage. The effectiveness of a website design is also judged by the way white space is used. Now, you can see the white space as an area on a webpage that is not occupied by any image, text or design. Or, you can see it is a space you can effectively use around buttons, text, images, designs and other elements of a webpage. This aggression of displaying more in less space works in the case of newspapers, but the story is different in the case of website design. In a website, convey more in less works. A user never invests more than a fraction of second to judge a webpage.

The White Space Is Not For Filling, It Is For Using

If it was important to fill every pixel, the home page of the Google search engine would have been completely different. Just like Google, Make My Sofa, Nudge, Philip House and there are many other websites in which designers have cleverly used white space to highlight and bring important content into the focus of their audience. Moreover, by using white space like a champion, you can make your website appear simple, uncluttered and attractive too. The white space is actually a design element; it is not up to par to refer this space as negative space.


No doubt, we can endow a webpage with glory by adding images, animations and videos. However, still the text dominates. We can use typography to convey the message in an artistic manner. The size, style, color and other font settings can make a website look ugly. And, if you are using it precisely, it can serve the purpose of a design element. Therefore, web designers of the present era need to have exceptional typography skills and the complete knowledge of different tools.

Typography is not all about the selection of font style, size and color. The space between two characters, words, lines, paragraphs and there are a lot more consideration you should remember to use typography as a web design element.

Every web designer offering website designing services in Singapore or anywhere in the world should remember that the whitespace is for using, not for filling and typography can be used as a great design element.

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