Websites are no more just a place where people find your business, it’s the face of your brand and key for your success. Whether you’re a start-up, a small business, or a personal brand, creating a stunning and functional website is essential for building trust, engaging your audience, and growing your business.
Hire a Freelance Web Developer in Singapore
A few years ago, a website was counted as a less necessary cost for a Business. Why a Business needs a website? How and how much it is beneficial for a Business? Brands of all sizes after understanding the importance of having a business website, have deployed their own websites and are also investing money in website optimization. Following stats portray the purposes a website serves for a business:
- 30% – For providing information to the current and potential audience.
- 27% – For promotion and marketing.
- 13% – For allowing the audience to interact with the organization.
- 14% – For making organization’s services easily accessible.
- 7% – For selling products and services.
So, if you are running a business, you need a website. For website development, it is always better to hire freelance web developer Singapore instead of hiring an Agency. Developers in an agency work on more than one project at a time. And, if there is some other client paying more than you, the agency will take your project less seriously.
However, this does not happen in the case of a freelance web developer Singapore. A freelance web developer works on a Project seriously as it affects his ratings on freelancing platforms like Upwork. That is why most of freelance developers handle only one project at a time. Moreover, a freelancer develops and completes a project within the specified timeline and budget. When required, you can directly communicate with the freelance web developer working on your project.
Now, let’s jump into detailed information on Web Developers and the vital reasons to hire a freelance web developer Singapore.
We shall cover the below listed topics
- What are the Technologies a Web Developer should know?
- What are the qualities should a Web Developer posses?
- What makes a freelance web developer Singapore different from in-house Web Developers?
Well! Does it look too complex at first sight?
It’s not! Let me make it simple!
Technologies Developers should know:
Well! this topic has been already summarized in one of my previous article’s. You can find it in the below URL
However, it’s just a base!
Having basic awareness of these Technologies might help you in choosing the best Freelance Web Developer for your Web development Projects. Make sure the Web Developer that you are planning to hire has knowledge in the below Technologies:
- JavaScript (JS)
- Structured Query Language (SQL)
- C-Sharp (C#)
- Hypertext Preprocessor (PHP)
- AngularJS
- SQL Server
- Node.js
- Python
Javascript (JS):
Javascript (JS) is a high level interpreted programming language that is prototype based. This product of World Wide Web content production works along with HTML and CSS to make the web pages interactive. JS do not limit itself just to web pages, rather extends its arms towards video games too. JS needs the Web browsers to install required plugins to execute them which needs supports from JS engines.
The programming styles differ for JavaScript as they are object-oriented and based on prototype. Developers can learn JavaScript by visiting or beginners can rather visit
Structured Query Language (SQL):
Structured Query Language (SQL) is a domain specific language primarily used for managing data in RDBMS (relational database management system) or steam processing in RDSMS (relational data stream management system). It is important to know the main advantages of SQL over the other languages
- Employ single command to access as many records as you require
- Avoid indexing issue, eliminates the necessity of specifying how to reach a record
Basic family of SQL being DDL (Data Definition Language), DML (Data Manipulation Language) and DCL (Data Control Language).
SQL scope ranges from
- Data inserting
- Query
- Update
- Delete
You may learn learn basics of SQL through or
C-Sharp (C#):
A multi-paradigm programming language that encompasses programming disciplines such as strong typing, being imperative, generic & functional and applying class based object oriented concepts. Being a successful product of Microsoft, it is primarily designed for Common Language Infrastructure and strongly bonded with .NET Framework.
Developers can learn C# through Microsoft – or visit
Hypertext Preprocessor (PHP):
A scripting language developed by Rasmus Lerdorf primarily supports general-purpose programming and Web Development. PHP is basically embedded with HTML markups and is widely used for CMS (Content Management System), Web Frameworks and for preparing Web templates. PHP keeps on updating its versions and every Developer needs to be aware of each update. PHP is an widely used Open Source Language.
Developers can learn PHP through or beginners may visit
A JavaScript-based web application framework is an open source application basically controlled and maintained by Google. AngularJS was developed to overcome the challenges faced in developing a Single-page application and targets to simplify applications development. Their Framework comprises of architectures such as MVC (model–view–controller) and MVVM (model–view–view model).
Developers can learn AngularJS through Code Academy – or beginners may visit
SQL Server:
Being a product of Microsoft and a relational database management system, it primarily focuses on storing and retrieving data in Database servers. SQL server overcomes the issue of heavy workloads and concurrent users on a single application. SQL Servers had come up with various editions recently and Developers need to be aware of it whenever the latest edition is being released.
Developers can learn SQL Server through the Microsoft Website –!lang=1033 or
Node JS:
Node JS is an open source application that primarily focus on Server-side scripting help developers develop dynamic web pages. Most often people get confused with the file name extensions being same for JS and Node JS, however context of Node JS completely vary.
Developers can learn Node JS through or visit
A high-level programming language developed by Guido van Rossum primarily focus on multiple programming paradigms with its extensive standard libraries. Python is basically an interpreted language that stress more on code readability and syntax.
Developers can learn python through or visit
List of Qualities a Web Developer should possess:
We have already discussed on Web Design and Development common mistakes in my previous article. You may visit the below URLs for the same
We have also discussed on common principles a Web Developer should follow whilst Website design and development. You can visit the below list of URLs for the same
However, these do not speak the qualities of a Web developer. Let’s discuss on the essential qualities of a Web developer in the below section
Make sure the Web Developer you are hiring possess the below mentioned qualities
- Need to accept – Customer is right
- Should be an expert in using existing Framework
- Flexible to support friends/colleagues/customers
- Need to have High level of patience in Testing
- Meet the Project deadlines at all time
- Learn, learn .. and continue learning.
- Possess good Technical and Communication skills
- Adapt logical thinking to solve issues quickly
- Use appropriate tools for appropriate action
- Should boost their personal qualities
Need to accept – Customer is right:
Being a Web Developer, he/she might know what can be achieved and what cannot be, However, Website is being developed to meet the client’s requirement. A developer need to understand that Customer is right in his own terms and all the possible requirements need to be achieved irrespective of how complex they are.
Should be an expert in using existing Framework:
It’s not always easy to start your project from scratch and a developer need to be efficient to use the existing frameworks to save the Time and meet the deadline. Should the Customer request for development from scratch it’s a different scenario. Choosing the best Framework for the specific Client’s requirement is a great skill and each Web Developer need to posses the same.
Flexible to support friends/colleagues/customers:
Having a tight schedule in project delivery, a developer must also be flexible to support his/her colleagues/friends/customers when they are in need of technical advice. This flexibility could fetch the Developer chain of projects boosting the relationship and business.
Need to have High level of patience in Testing:
Things are not complete upon Website development, rather end-to-end Testing of the outcome aid the developers to fix the known and unknown issues in the Website. A Website has to be cross-checked on various browsers, various resolutions and on various negative circumstances.
It needs a high level of patience in Testing for Web Developers as each Website elements has their unique property.
Meet the Project deadlines at all time:
It is a great quality of successful Web Developers that meet their deadlines at all times. Meeting deadlines with great quality enhance the credibility on the Web developers and help them gain more projects from the same existing Customers.
Learn, learn .. and continue learning:
Technology will keep on upgrading itself and it is the responsibility of the Web Developer to catch-up with the phase of the upgrading Technology. It is only possible when a Web Developer links the upgraded technology with the client’s requirements rather than holding back using the expired options available to make things simple.
Possess good Technical & Communication skills:
As mentioned earlier, a Web developer need to be strong in his/her Technical capabilities with excellent communication skills as a compliment. This combination will work well in business handshakes and can aid Web developers gain more customers.
Adapt Logical thinking to solve issues:
Technical knowledge without logical thinking is of vain and it is logical thinking which helps the Web Developers to link the Client’s requirement with the Web development techniques. Logical thinking whilst usability testing helps to enrich Customer experience in the Website and meet the deadline at ease.
Use appropriate tools for appropriate action:
A Web developer need to be smart to pick the right tools for right action. For instance, plugins may be needed to meet the specific requirements for the Customers and it is important to choose appropriate plugin for the appropriate requirement. This quality decides the timeframe of the project and how well a Web Developer meets his/her deadline.
Should boost their personal qualities:
Beyond Technical learning, he/she needs to be personally qualified to impress the new customers and get more projects. Should a Web developer do not boost his/her personal qualities, all the Technical skillset goes in vain.
Freelance Web Developer vs. In-house Web Developer:
We have already discussed in our previous article regarding “Freelance Web developer vs. In-house Web developer” . Please visit the below URL for your reference
We have also discussed on the benefits of hiring a Freelance Website Developer earlier. Below are the list of URLs to the Articles:
Below is the summary of the article discussed above:
- Websites are useful for Brands to provide information to the current and potential audience, promotion and marketing, allowing the audience to interact with the organization and selling products and services.
- It is recommended to hire Freelance Web Developer to develop your business Website rather developing by self
- A Web Developer need to know Web languages such as JavaScript (JS), Structured Query Language (SQL), C-Sharp (C#) and more
- A Web Developer need to accept – Customer is right and be flexible at any time.
- A Web Developer need to have high level of patience in Testing and meet deadlines at all time
- A Web Developer need to keep upgrading with the Technology and enhance Logical thinking
- It is always beneficial for Business owners to hire a Freelance Web developer rather hiring a In-house Web developer.
Should you need a high-quality website for your business then you can hire Subraa – a top-rated freelance web developer.
Hire now! Call Subraa on +65 97957890 or email to [email protected]
Hope the readers and Business owners find this article useful to hire a best Freelance Web Developer to develop their Business Website.
It’s time to say adieu for all my readers and thank you for reading my article.