The right way to hire a Freelance Web Designer in Singapore

A Freelance Web designer’s tips to potential clients.

Hiring a good Freelance web designer off late has become a serious task for many prospective clients. This article is intended to help clients who are facing issues in finding good freelance web designers without any frustration and hesitation.

Having around 8+ years of experience in the field of web design as a freelancer, and understanding the challenges in finding the apt freelancer for your requirement, I am sharing my perspective and understanding for the clients.

Know your project

As a non-techie, you know what you want and how you want but unsure of how to get the desired output. So, you want a good freelance web designers or freelance logo designers to achieve your goal. Before you contact the freelancers just make sure whether you have the below checklist ready.

  • A brief about the project.
  • Why you want this project to be developed
  • Any technical preference (WordPress CMS Website Design, Responsive Design (Mobile/Tablet Compatibility), Informative Website, Custom CMS Development etc.)
  • What sort of help you require from the freelance web designer (Web design, Website development, logo design, content writing, SEO, SMM, PPT design)
  • Do you have all the write ups ready or wish the freelance web designer to provide the service?
  • Do you have any specific budget in mind?
  • Estimated timeframe for the project

Though many clients have no idea of the above, in this case contact the freelance web designer who guides you through the process, explains you the pros and cons in your requirement. Ignore the freelance web designers who are not even ready to pick your call for discussion or have to wait for 2 to 3 weeks for the meet up and then months to get your project finalised. However, if you do not have time constraint you can still wait and go with their service. Opt for a freelance web designer who suggests you the best solution and is keen to help rather than just charging for whatever you ask.

Be Realistic

It is essential that you and your Freelance Web Designer Singapore or Freelance Logo Designer Singapore are on same page about the project. Meet up your web designer, and explain him your expectations, only during discussion both you and your freelance web designer will understand what could be done and what can’t be done and if it could be achieved what will be the time frame.

In some cases, the deliverables may extend the timeframe either due to delay in write up or a required design doesn’t perform as expected. A reasonable time frame should be provided for the project and don’t force the web designers to work on a strict time frame in some cases it would fail and would lack quality.

A kick off meeting is the best way to talk about your requirements and reach an agreement on your project. If your project is ongoing and requires a time to time update you can request for timesheet on the working hours for the project, this would benefit mutually.

Evaluating Quote

You can get a project done from as low as $20 to $10000. Quote matters but not always. A budding freelance web designer may offer the service for $500 while an experienced freelance web designer would quote the same for $5000. Hire a freelancer who quotes based on the effort rather than who quotes based on the projected result your project would earn. Experienced freelance web designers normally charge a bit high compared to the fresher who are in field, this is because they can take away some risks from the project from their past experience and would propose alternate solutions which would work the best.

Check with the web designers whom you hire for any hidden cost or additional cost which would occur if you add on requirements. Few freelance web designers are ready to accept your change if it really doesn’t take much effort where as many may hesitate and charge you making an impression that it is a bigger change. Also, the freelancers may require some of the costs like stock images to be incurred by the client and the recurring hosting fees if you opt the freelance web designer to provide you hosting as well.

When you set your budget, think about the outcome the project would produce and also PIC claims if you are in Singapore. Enquire whether the Web Design Singapore freelancer can provide you invoices for the claim also most important aspect is figuring out the payment schedule based on the phase deliverable.

The criteria for hiring a freelance web designer or freelance logo designer doesn’t end here, I would continue this article with more tips and tricks to hire web designers in Singapore in my following blog article.

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