List of important things that you need to know about Logo Design in Singapore

Logo gives appearance to your company, it is often referred as a face of a company a well. It is pretty much true because when you hear a person’s name the first that comes to your mind is their face, however if you forget their face then probably you forgot their name as well. Likewise, when you hear a Company’s name the first thing that will come to your mind will be a Logo.

It would be really moronic on the off chance that I start with what is a logo as an expert logo architect, so let us start with why logo is significant and after that we will bounce into what are the significant things that you have to realize what a logo is.

Below is the list of most important things that you need to know about logo designing:

1. Start from basics
2. Avoid complexity
3. Typography is also important
4. Colors plays the major role
5. Timeless logos are the best
6. Versatility is the key
7. Should be relevant
8. Make it memorable

I invite to continue reading here in detail: List of important things that you need to know about Logo Design

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