Moz Ranking – Domain Authority and Page Authority

Moz Ranking – Domain Authority and Page Authority

Are you a SEO Analyst?
Striving to improve the Search Engine ranking of your Website?
Looking for a smarter technique to increase the traffic to your Website?

Well! You have reached your destination to gain proper awareness!

The solution is “MOZ” ranking. Increase the Domain Authority and Page Authority of your Website, you are likely to improve the Search Engine ranking as well as Web Traffic.


What is Page Authority?
What is Domain Authority?
How does the PA and DA works?
What I should do as a SEO Analyst?

Domain Authority and Page Authority are Similar Metrics with respect to a Website. However, their Boundaries differ.

Domain Authority extends its coverage from Home page of the Website to the sub-domain pages.
Page Authority has limited coverage where it targets the individual page.

Both are equally important in their rights and ensures the greater visibility of your Website.

Prior to MOZ Ranking discussion, it’s time to learn more about SPAM SCORE. Websites do have score to measure its SPAM level just like Page Authority and Domain Authority.

Decrease your Spam Score:

Most likely a Website becomes a victim of Spam attacks and SEO analysts plays a vital part in defending the Website from these spams.

MOZ generally rates your Spam score out of 17 and higher the spam score of your Website, you lose the Website Trust in Search Engines and eventually blacklisted.

The reason for these attacks may be any of the following

• Human Error – Building thousands of SPAM links to your Website or from Web spam sites.
• Spam attack to your Website from an external source.

70 to 90% chances of Spam attack are through Human error and poor Backlinking. Thus, it is required to be mindful whilst Backlinking process.

Domain Authority and Page Authority:

Let us discuss in detail on How to increase Domain Authority in the following sections

Root Domain Linking and Fresh Quality Contents:

The primary concentration for a Web Designer is to design a Website with strong Root Domain. Root Domain acts as a base for its sub-domain pages and majority number of SEO Analysts target the Root Domain for their main Keywords.

Now the trick is to get as many links to you Root Domain from high Authority and popular pages to increase Root Domain’s importance. More the links to your root domain, higher the Authority for your Website.

It is always recommended to hire a professional Content Writer for your Website and include fresh quality contents in your Website. Your Website contents with uniqueness and of best quality content gains more attention and interest.

Replicating or copying the contents from the other Websites might hurt your Domain Authority, Page Authority and Ranking. This poor methodology may also affect your SEO ranking as well as the Web Traffic.

Sub Domain pages with link to Root Domain:

A Website can have as many number of sub-domain pages and it can go as deeper as you require. It depends on the business or service you offer and products you sell. However, make sure you have a clickable link that routes to your root domain that acts as a base.

This inter-linking process enriches the pages connectivity and helps you to enhance the authority of the Website pages [especially the Root Domain].

Create quality linkable content:

As advised in previous sections, it is essential to have quality content in your Website. In addition, it is also vital to create quality linkable content amongst the pages. Stress on your Keywords when choosing your linkable links text and be cautious you do not spam with these keywords and links.

For instance, you may link

Freelance Web Designer Singapore Portfolio” to your “Portfolio” page
Request a Quote” to “Contact us” page

Removing Toxic and un-related links:

It is not advised to use Toxic links that highly hurts your Website. 99% possibilities are through Human error and this needs special attention while creating the links to your Website.

It is also not advisable to use un-related links to your Website. Un-related links are those links that are not related to your business or the services that you provide or the products that you list in your Website.

Being a Freelance Web Designer Singapore, I can

Use “Web Design Singapore” and not “sports advisor Singapore”

Use “Logo Design Singapore” and not “Real Madrid Football”

Loading Speed optimization and Mobile Friendly Website:

You may argue how Website loading speed and Mobile Friendliness can be a deciding factor. They are inter-linked and has high importance towards Domain Authority and Page Authority.

Website users feel comfortable browsing websites that loads faster and in quick time thus reducing the bounce rate of the Website. Bounce rate is nothing but the percentage of visitors who navigates away from your website after viewing a page. Thus, people engagement on the Website is most important which boosts the Website Traffic. Higher the Website engagement, greater the Domain Authority and Page Authority.

Designing a Mobile or Tablet Friendly Website is equally important as prior case and majority of the visitors over the Globe are either Mobile or Tablet Users, surprisingly not Desktop users. Thus, Website with Mobile friendly design fascinates more visitors and gain more engagement. This automatically helps you gain more MOZ authority.

Bounce rate reduction:

As discussed earlier, bounce rate is the measure that calculates “the visits count where the visitors visit and exit the domain without clicking or moving to other pages

Higher the Bounce rate, lower the Domain Authority and Page Authority. The solution is to construct your Website with attractive design and allure the visitors to visit inner pages of the Website and make them stay. The next solution is to construct the Website with best UI/UX design and easy navigation through the Website.

Social Media Engagement:

The most important and a useful technique to gain greater MOZ ranking is through Social Media and their Engagement. Different Social Media has different technical terms when it comes to engagements.

For instance,

Getting more “likes” and “Post” shares in Facebook
Getting more “likes” for your tweets in Twitter and get them “re-tweeted”
Getting your Pinterest “pins” “re-pinned”
Getting more “likes” and “+1” for your Google+ posts

To summarize,

Construct a Website with attractive design with unique contents in place
Create quality internal and external links [without being toxic and un-related]
Reduce the Bounce Rate of your Website and make them mobile/tablet friendly
Decrease the Spam Score and engage Social Media with great effect

Hoping that this article is found informational to the readers, I thank you once again for all the support provided.

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