Is It Ok To Use Hamburger Menu in Website Design

You must have seen a three lines stacked icon in the top left or top right corner of your mobiles phone’s display while accessing a website. After you click on this icon, you will get the menu of all pages in the website. Due to some good and bad reasons, this new kind of menu has got a lot of attention. There is a debate in the web design community whether this menu should be used in the web design or not. This menu was actually designed two and a half decade ago by Norm Cox. However, from last few years, due to the increasing use of mobiles devices for accessing the internet, this menu has controversially emerged as an essential component of web design.

All web pages of a website should be easily and quickly accessible to the visitor which is not feasible with small screens of Smartphone and tabs. The hamburger menu hides the navigation menu and hence occupies less screen area. Some of the expert web designers argue that it lacks use. It is just an icon. Not everybody knows that it hides useful information. It may make the information less discoverable. However, there are some web designers who are in the favor of this menu as they believe that it has no effect on the usability of a website. This is rarely seen, but there are some web designers using hamburger menu in the case of desktop version of a website also. There is no need of using hamburger menu when you have a big screen.

It has both advantages and disadvantages. For some websites, it is a useful option and in the case of some websites, it has an unfavorable effect on the usability and engagement. An experienced web designer knows when it should and when it should not be the part of the web design. Therefore, if you are looking for a website design in Singapore, it is important to hire an experienced professional and discuss whether your website design should include this menu or not. For inspiring and user-friendly web design, you can avail the services of Subraa – a leading freelance web designer Singapore.

Call Subraa on +65 97957890 or email to [email protected]

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