Website design is more than just an online presence, it is a powerful marketing tool for attracting and converting your visitors to customers 24/7. Websites which converts significantly impact a business success, so do the restaurant website design.
Why mobile friendly websites are important?
Why do you give desktop computers more important and mobile less important when it comes to web designing?
Now mobile phones are everywhere according to several census more than 50 percent of mobile users are through mobile phones and the remaining percent is shared between computers, laptops, tablets etc. Because mobile is the reality of today’s digital world. They are cheap, accessible and portable so people prefer them a lot.
Usage and importance of mobile friendly websites
For a decade now the usage of computers and laptops have been decreasing and the usage of mobile phones are drastically increasing. Isn’t it madness to not shifting according to your users? Because after all designs are for users. So it should be suitable for them. Several studies show that users will stop visiting your site if your website is not friendly in mobile phones. According to google 61% of visitors are unlikely to return to your website if they do not find it friendly and they 40% of them are likely to visit your competitor’s site.
What is a mobile friendly site?
A mobile friendly site is a site that works well on all types of mobile phones, tablets, ipads etc. As most of the sites are designed for desktops they cannot be used well in mobile phones as the elements of the site won’t fit in the smaller screens of mobile phones. So it is important to consider website design for mobile phones this can be done by using two ways.
1. Adaptive Web Design (AWD)
AWD is a Graphical User Interface (GUI) that is used in websites to make it adaptable to different size screens. AWD uses a set of predesigned fixed layouts and then choose the best match for the current screen size.
2. Responsive Web Design (RWD)
RWD is a design that makes the web pages to render well on any screen size, platform or orientation. This type of design consists of a variety of flexible grids and layouts, images to suit different sizes and platforms.
To know more about these two types click the link Responsive Website Design and Adaptive Website Design.
Benefits of having a mobile friendly site
Consistent experience on all devices
Good ranking signal
Increased mobile conversion rate
Fast downloading
Good user experience
Flexible and cost effective
There is also one other important benefits using a mobile friendly website, it is SEO helping.
SEO helping
There have been speculations that Google prefers sites that are friendly in both desktop and mobile phones. Confirming the above statement google released an official statement in 2015 stating that google is adopting the mobile friendliness as a powerful factor in SEO ranking. This makes the websites that aren’t mobile friendly a lower chance to be present on top of the google search result thus affecting the company’s online presence. Adding to this, In 2016 Google launched a There are several google algorithms that makes us think “why?” why they are important in influencing the ranking factor but this is not one of them. Because it is very clear that having a mobile friendly website is very much important as seeing the above mentioned numbers.
How a mobile friendly website should be like?
1. Responsive design
Responsive design is the easiest way to achieve mobile friendly website although you can use adaptive web designing but you should design separately for all screen sizes which is not possible in an era where time is very costly than money. So using a responsive web design will be very helpful. Without this your website will be minimised version of your desktop version which means the users have to scroll sidewards, upwards and downwards to navigate. This will make them leave and never come back.
2. Readable fonts
Mobile friendly websites include readable fonts. Several fonts do not look good and have very bad readability when viewed in mobile phones therefore, using a readable font is important while creating a mobile friendly website. Clean line sans serif fonts are very good for mobile phones and make sure you set the font size apting for the mobile phone view.
3. Proper text formatting
Random text formatting will lead to less readability so keep your texts in a proper format by including bulletins if required. And be careful with spacing because spacing is very important when it comes to text formatting.
4. Optimized media display
Media elements of a website should be optimized when used for mobile. Images, Infographics and videos should be displayed good on phone.
5. Fast loading
Fast loading is a main feature that will help in achieving a good mobile friendly site. Making a mobile optimized site that loads all the requests from the browser fast and having a good web hosting service that will load your site fast will help you greatly in achieving a mobile friendly website.
Understanding the importance of mobile compatible website is very crucial because as living in a competitive world, you should be aware of what people currently use. Mobiles are portable and can be carried anywhere. So, people want to do everything on their phone. They have become too bored of computers and mobile phones as they are not as portable as mobile phone is. This article should have eye opening for people who had a thought that mobile friendly websites are not mandatory. To learn more interesting and informative articles on web designing, click the link below you will find articles relating to web designing essential tips to pick a color scheme for my website designing.