What Is Wireframe and How It Simplifies Web Designing?

At some point in the time when a client communicates with the representative of the web design company to know the progress, sometimes they say “we are working on the wireframe”. The client probably knows what the wireframe is or, maybe not. It is the skeletal framework representation of a website. The web design community knows it by two other names also – page schematic or screen blueprint. It is one of the most important processes in the website design that reduces good number complexities in various web design and development processes. Designers jumping directly into the designing phase end up in creating a mess. Here is why sooner or later they have to fall back on roots of the web design that is wireframe:

It displays your information hierarchy visually

When there are only a few web pages, it does not make the life of web designer difficult. However, in big websites, the sitemap is overburdened with a long list of links. Laying out a visual sitemap does not make it overwhelming to the client and the designer. It enables to see how the web page will fall into place to make adjustments easily and accurately before getting too far.

It identifies CTA’s and other important information

Colors and styles come later. Call of action has its own importance. First of all, you should know what you want your users to when they are on your website. By removing the design from the initial developments, you can get the insight of call of action and other aspects of the website.

It constructs a layout for the placement of content

You know what information is the most important for the visitor. Now, you have to decide where it should go on the website or a web page to make sure it is accessible in minimum time. Identifying the right place for that important information later when the website becomes complex is a tough nut to crack. Wireframe serves the purpose of a simple layout that allows you to place the call to action and other information at the right place.

It helps in determining website features

Websites often use third party services or plugins for live chat, social media icons or Google maps. A wireframe helps in finding the right place to add Google map or social media icons on the webpage.

A web design company or a freelancer offering freelance web design in Singapore should be aware of the importance of crafting a wireframe for the website. You are not adding one more process in the web designing; you are actually simplifying the existing web design process.

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